Basement With Media Room And Suede Leather Sofa
There are many elements to basement design and it is important to consider all of them when you are trying to improve the quality of your underground place of relaxation. Most of the time, people who are attempting to imprint their vision onto their basement don’t realize that they will be faced with a number of stumbling blocks. For example, a basement floor plan is a great idea because having one typically protects the homeowner from any unforeseen issues. However, having a floor plan it is not always possible because often times, obtaining one can be cost prohibitive.
That’s why having a design sense that is based on individual aesthetics and personal value rather than paid professional estimations may be the best option for a percentage of homeowners. It’s referred to as, “Pure Economics.” By going the DIY route, you get to have complete design control. No more jockeying back and forth with designers. No more seeking their subjective, but professional opinion on how your basement should resonate! Don’t misconstrue what I’m saying; most design and architectural professionals are going to give you your money’s worth.
The point I’m making is this; you have total control! Plus, you will save a ton of money! If you are feeling intimidated when it comes to DIY basement designs, there is no reason to be. You can find help on websites like this one. You can also find help in various magazines, books and even at your local Home Depot, Lowes or True Hardware type stores.
Seeking Out The Advice Of Remodeling Experts
Of course, you can seek the help of any of the local and national basement remodeling experts. You can even seek out advice from a finished basement company that specialize in basement finishing design. Due to the advancement of the Internet, basement design photos abound! You can learn a lot by perusing the many basement pictures.
It should go without saying, for the best results, perform your due diligence. As you research, vet and otherwise do your design homework, hopefully you will come up with a theme and final design that will bring years of enjoyment.
There are many reasons why you may want to carry out your own remodel and money is just one valid reason. Ask any “Do It Yourselfer” and they will glow in satisfaction as they detail how they planned out their ultimate family room.
The Basement Is The Place To Be!
This next point may not be obvious to the masses, but if you have a home with a basement, it is common for families to desire to spend more time in their entertainment den than anywhere else in the house. The primary drawback to achieving that goal is a lack of funds. The designs that most people initially consider are expensive. This goes back to their eyes being bigger than their bank accounts. Thankfully, there are ways to build out an awesome design on a budget you can afford.
For example, if you are on a tight budget, instead of hardwood flooring consider painting the concrete. Or, go with an inexpensive carpet. Or, you can opt to use a wood plastic composite basement flooring. Going with either of those routes will be less expensive than hardwood flooring. Especially if you do it yourself. As far as carpet is concerned, it isn’t all that much more expensive to lay carpet in the room so ponder that before you decide to paint.
Even some wood types that are not the highest quality can be used for a wood floor in your basement as well. You may not want to focus too much of your time or money on the flooring if you are on a tight budget. Suffice it to say, there are a lot of people that have nice rooms without spending a lot.
Walls do not need to have much more than paint in order to look good. If you are trying to have a good design, find a paint scheme that will look good with the furniture of your choice and then decorate in that style. With wood floors you can look for a more classic style and paint something that will be similar. Paintings or just pictures in frames will look good in the overall scheme without costing a lot of money as well.
If you follow some of these basic rules, there is a good chance you will be able to get a basement design that is a lot better than most other people. Just make sure you have everything done in the right way and you will thrive in your beautiful new room!